Thursday, May 6, 2010

Yesterday morning I was sitting at the computer working away when I was serenaded by this cute guy


At its finest

Before long there was a change of plans
A band is what we needed and Mom should play the guitar.  That left the drums.  When you don't have a drum handy you use what you can find.  In our case a packing tube and a dustpan. 
Not bad as far as sound goes.  Especially when you're just looking for loud.
Since we were three here at that moment another instrument needed to be arranged
Ah Harmonica

This girl takes her harmonica playing quite seriously

Note the head scarf.  I made that!

It's perfect for playing peek-a-boo
Or "peek-boo" as it's known around here
Nevermind it was supposed to be sized for me and doesn't quite fit her...but she'll grow.

Aw Mom, can't you quite with the pictures already?!

OK one more for the band.
Happy May!


Naomi said...

Oh the JOYS of music!!:) Those kiddos are sooo fun! Give 'em a squeeze for me!

Heather said...

I love the head scarf! very cute.

Liz and Kevin said...

She's probably better at the harmonica than I am! And I've been practicing!