Saturday, May 22, 2010

In the process of cutting out material for different projects I use a rotary cutter.
This is a source of fascination to my children and consternation to me.
I like them to be involved in whatever I am doing, but those blades are sharp.
I could find no good solution until I happened on this wooden pastry cutt

It has been the most magical of "cutting" tools

This little girl not only takes her cutting seriously, she's on the ball.

Wearing a dress known as "Preee, Preee."  Which is being interpreted, "Pretty, Pretty"
Over the top of a hoodie of course!

Not one to miss out on the fun Mowg gives it a go in a more conventional manner.

In between cuttings he takes time to hone his shooting skills


Jess said...

I love the "preee, preee" dress over the sweatshirt. That is my kind of girl!

mia said...

Oh no! Don't shoot me!!!