Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Do you ever have one of those days when everything you do seems fast, furious and downright not quite adequate. Or maybe just adequate? I had one of those days today. Or yesterday I suppose I should say. At the end of it as I'm trying to get a very wound up child to unwind and go to sleep my dearest comes and invites me to see a rainbow in the sky. As I step onto the porch and look up at the sky all the fret and trouble melts away. It is replaced by the pleasantly cool air, the light drip of the rain, a touch of remaining sunlight and a glorious double rainbow that a camera can never catch (but I still try). Truly Glorious.


Heather said...

We had one here last Thursday. It was amazing how brilliant it was. I only had my cell phone with me so it wasn't all that spectacular on there but it was a wonderful thing to see. I love Rainbows.

Chiska said...

I Love rainbows too. You never can catch them quite as spectacularly as they are. Pretty cool though.

Destiny said...

Is still is a very pretty picture!