Saturday, March 19, 2011

We had some snow (unusual for us I know) on Wednesday.  It came down in great big clumps as if someone was having a snowball fight. This is not a build up of snow in his hair.  That's just how it fell.  In a matter of minutes.

It looks like asteroids taking off in this picture, but they really were falling.

We took a couple minutes to check it out and see how bikes rode in it.

I thought I was going to collect snowflakes to photograph, not possible.

Mowg shouted as he took one last run, "I LOVE WINTER!"
Dramatic change of tune from the "I hate winter, I like spring." that I've been hearing lately.

Tiny had to have one last run too

With flakes that size we certainly had to try and catch them on our tongues.

Some of us preferred not to look.

Others chased them around.

Sometimes you just have to do something crazy,
like run around outside in the snow for a few minutes in your pajamas. 
Then winter is a "wunnerful season."

1 comment:

Me said...

Oh, my goodness. I have already had my first sunburn of the season and you guys are still getting snow? Wow!