Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Super Hero Kind of Morning

It's not what you think. There were no bats or spiders, no green lanters or the like.  There was a book about buttons that a small boy brought home from school.  There was a Mom lying in bed wondering how she was going to make this morning a positive one.  Then that boy peeked through the door......

I turned on the light and said, "Would you like to read this book?"  He nodded and climbed up on the bed.  "Can we lay down and read it Mom?"
"Well, you can.  I need to sit up." 
We read The Button Box.  It's about a boy and his grandmother's button box.  They sort the buttons, talk about them and then put them back for next time.  The makes it sound rather dull.  It wasn't.  We read it twice.
"Mom, you have a button box and you don't really let me play with it."
"That's true.  I do let you sometimes"
"Can we play with it this morning?  Please?!"
(Um, No we have 45 mintues until we need to be on our way to school.)
"Well OK."
The we spent the next 10 minutes let the buttons run through our fingers, talking about what they were made of , which ones we liked the best.  It was magical.
Then just as we were getting the last pair of shoes on some little feet before walking to school a vase filled with sticks, wood roses, and 2 American Flags fell over.  I have no idea why or how, but it did. 
"Mom can I take this flag to school?"
(Um No)
"Well, you can bring it with you while we walk to school and then I will need to bring it home."
We walked down the hill flags flying.
It was a magical morning.  A super hero kind of morning.
All it really takes to be super hero is to listen, to pay attention and then do.
(Oh and forget about the mile long lists of must do's)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT!! Thank you for a wonderful beginning to this day! What a wonderful thing is a button box! And a girl (not so little anymore) with a little boy who is --thank you thank you