I'm down to the wire, but wanted to join Soma at Whims and Fancies' trunk show. Have you checked it out--it's been so fun to visit blogs and see some amazing quilts. It's been fun for me to look back on the year a bit and realize we've made quite a bit.
First I want to share my kids quilts.
This is Mowg's Quilt. We participated in a Primary Bee with 10 other kids and each month they took turns picking a block and color scheme for everyone to make. I love how different each block is and love the bows that my niece quilted it with. Mowg's idea was a Christmas tree: Brown for the trunk, Green for the tree and red for the decorations. We ran out of the solid green we'd planned to use for sashing and found some neat tree fabric that he liked. It's been hard to find fabric for this dark green lovin' kid. It was a great if sometimes difficult experience to make these blocks together and put it all together. It's on his bed now and he loves it.
Here's a closeup of the quilting
Tiny chose the Friendship Star with yellow for the sun and blue for the sky. We added white for the clouds on some of the sashing. The top and bottom are a Lizzy House light blue print of asterisks stars. She used that on the back as well. It's been so fun have them done. So fun to see their sense of accomplishment. It's such a bright quilt. It always makes me smile. 
The quilting is really fun on this too
I made a few quilts too these are my favorites:
A new baby came to the family and in collaboration with my Mom, sisters and brother we made made this Hugs n Kisses Quilt to send her hugs and kisses from all of us that couldn't be there to do it in person. Everyone picked out fabric that they liked or that represented something they likes--something about them. It was so fun to have it come together. I pieced the top together and helped a little with the quilting, but mostly it was my Mom and two of my sisters that quilted it. (I thought I'd mention that I used a tutorial at Canoe Ridge Creations here for this quilt)
This quilt is a favorite mostly because it was such a challenge for me. I tried 3 different methods of making the orange peels before one of them worked for me. I was delighted with how it turned out and so was my niece whose baby wasn't quilt a year old yet. That's pretty good isn't it?!
These next two are the smallest quilts I made and are my favorites. I'm not a big fan of paper piecing, but I sure loved the results. The potted cactus is from a pattern that I can't find anywhere now that Amanda at Material Girl designed for Heather Givens' Succulents line blog hop. (Whew!) I made it for a local miniature quilt show--which is my yearly try-something-new-quilt. In the process of making it I realized my fabric choice for one the sections got completely swallowed up in the background. Since I had a deadline that was looming I decided to just use the one that didn't get swallowed up and call it "It's a Start". I really love how it turned out. It's hanging on my wall now.
Last, but certainly not least is this quilt for a dear teacher that moved away. She was Tiny's teacher for two years and made her enjoy school so much. She loves pigs and crowns and math! Both my girls suggested that I make them one for their room too. I haven't pulled that off yet, but I was able to get it to the teacher before she left. I also had Tiny "sign" it and embroidered her signature on the bottom of it. (I forgot to tell you the pattern is on Craftsy: here--it's not my pattern)
Thanks for checking out my quilts! Thanks Soma for the chance to take minute and look back.
Sometimes running out of fabric is a good thing. I think the addition of the new green in the first quilt gave the quilt depth. That little pig is just too cute for words! Thanks for the trunk show.
I love those Primary Bee quilts!! Sarah is still piecing her top together ... she's almost done =) Sarah loved picking out her blocks. Great inspiration for her to get her rear in gear!
Great quilts! I like your quilting doodle. It reminds me of Bees buzzing around, care free and happy! I really like your x's and o's I think I've got to try that pattern! Thanks for the inspiration! cheers!
The Primary Bee quilts are fabulous! What a great idea incorporating different blocks from different kids. I love the quilting doodling, it gives the quilt a whimsical touch. That little pig is adorable!
Wonderful quilts, thanks so much for posting them. I dearly love your pig.
Thanks for sharing......I bet is fun to quilt with your family.
Thanks so much for sharing. A very pretty collection. I like your quilting doodle too :)
I'm glad to see the Primary Bee quilts done. We are so behind on ours but hope to get Sunshine's top together starting this weekend.
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